Chapter Advisory Board (CAB)

Our Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) meets four to six times a year; meetings are open to all chapter members- come show your support! 

(NOTE: CAB Members are expected to attend unless excused by the President.

CAB Meeting Dates, Time & Location

Check our Home Page and Calendar for Dates
Time: 09:30 to 11:30  (unless otherwise announced)

Location: The location is over Zoom. Please use the CONTACT US form if you need assistance. 

Composition of CAB

The CAB is composed of our elected Officers and appointed Volunteers (Chairs and NG/SIG Leaders).


Elected CAB Officers for 2024

President: Lorraine Potter

1st Vice President/Membership: Lou Burns

2nd Vice President/Events: Carol Deitzer

Secretary: Jackie Pettit

Treasurer: Kathleen Heinicke


 Committee Chairs/Volunteers

Editor: Crystal Allred

Event committee: Julie Blood (Chair), Lou Burns, Betty Hamilton, Arleen Dobra, 

Kathleen Heinicke, Karen Frank, Carol Deitzer

IT Administrator/Tech Support: Sandi Dickenson

Membership: Lou Burns

Nominations: Paulette Braga/Sandi Dickenson

Photo site: Paulette Braga/Sandi Dickenson

Retail Liaison: vacant

Social Media: vacant

Storage Unit/Donations: Kathy Pell

Sunshine: Kimmie Bynum

Website Manager: Sandi Dickenson

Zoom Manager: vacant


Neighborhood Group Leaders

Anything Sews: Lou Burns

Creative Sassy Sewers: Kathleen Heinicke/Paulette Braga

Pins & Needles: Lorraine Potter

Sew Chic: Evelyn LeVassuer

Sew Wearables: Terry Petti

Machine Embroidery: Crystal Allred/Jackie Pettit

Sew Social: Carolyn Robinette/Jan Yeh

WW Zoom: Julie Blood/Jann Silverton




Please use the information in your newsletter or use the CONTACT US Form to reach us

CAB Agendas and Presentations

The Agenda is normally available 5 days prior to the CAB meting. If you would like to submit an Agenda Item or make a CAB Presentation, please contact our President at least 10 business days prior to the next CAB meeting date.

Our CAB Volunteers

Each year we elect our five Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) Officers. The elected offices are: President, 1VP, 2VP, Secretary and Treasurer. Their one year term begins the following Jan 1st and ends on Dec 31st of that year. Officers are limited to 4 consecutive terms in any one position. 


In addition to the elected board officers, we have appointed chairs and support staff. Some positions are critical and must be filled. They include our Membership Chair, Events Chair, Neighborhood Group Leaders and Editor. Other positions may vary from year to year reflecting our needs and available volunteers. 


Every member has unique talents that our Chapter can use.  Check out our Volunteer Page for openings and contact a CAB member if you can help. Although no one can deny that experience is helpful, we have found that the most important aspect is your willingness to help. You will be given the resources and training to make you feel like a winner in whatever you do!



Many of our Members have proudly served you as Volunteers. 

Please visit our Volunteer History Page to see who they are and when you see them, let them know you appreciate their past chapter service. 




CAB members and volunteers are encouraged to use the CAB email address to reach everyone on the CAB. The email address you have on file with ASG HQ is  registered with the CAB group email. If your email changes or if you send from a different email it will NOT be delivered and the sender will get an error message. 

Contact Sandi if you need to send CAB email from multiple email addresses or through a text message. 





The CAB has a secure area (called a "group") where CAB members can log-in to upload, download and post information to each other. Logging-in is OPTIONAL. All CAB members will receive anything posted to the CAB Group in their "normal (personal) email account".





If you are seeking reimbursement for a budgeted chapter expense you will need to file the ASG Chapter Expense Reimbursement Form and attach your receipt(s). First, download and complete one of the reimbursement forms below. Next, mail or hand the form to Barb along with your receipt(s). Requests made in an untimely manner may be denied. If you have any questions on expense reimbursements please contact Barb. 

Chapter Expense reimbursement Form (PDF)
Interactive .pdf form compatible with most pdf readers.
Adobe Acrobat Document 84.1 KB
Chapter Expense reimbursement Form (Word Document)
Interactive .docx form compatible with Word, Pages and Open Office.
Microsoft Word Document 485.2 KB