Sew Social NG Page

Sew Social is led by Co Leaders Carolyn Robinette and Jan YehFor meeting and program information please contact them. 


Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 1 to 5 pm at the Venice Police Station Community Service Room. The address is 1575 East Venice Ave, Venice, FL.

Please Note: The room runs on the cold side year round; bring whatever keeps you warm-i.e. socks, neck wrap, long sleeves, sweater. The room is spacious and allows sewers to spread out. Bring a cutting mat, pressing board and iron for individual use. 


Please check with your NG Leader for program, venue & time changes as the information on this page is subject to change at the discretion of the NG. 




2024 Community Service Project: Dog mats AND Comfort Dolls

2025 Programs

Each month we'll offer projects where you can machine stitch and hand stitch. Examples of projects will include: machine sewing, slow stitch, fashion accessories, hand sewing, wearable art, home dec, appliquè, upcycling, boro, and sashiko. Bring your sewing machine and sewing supplies to all meetings. 

January - Create a denim bracelet from the seams of jeans. Skills taught/reviewed will be how to use a hump jumper, a height compensation.  Marsha S.

tool, and how to make a thread shank. A handout will be provided for you to take home.

February - Karen B will guide us to make a zippered or envelope throw pillow. Skills to be taught: cording and zipper insertion. For embellishment of the pillow front, the decorative stitching and couching techniques we learned in November may be used on this project. Now is the time to practice on sample materials at home!

March- Sewing Room Tours of Venice. Members of SGCASG Jan, Carolyn and Karen will take you inside their happy places for a peek at where the sewing seems to happen. Carpooling will be provided from our starting point at the Venice Police Community Room. Sign up is required ahead of time. Contact either Carolyn or Jan

April - Fabric Postcards, Carolyn

Community Service: We track our reported volunteer time and money donations and report the information to CAB. If you sew for local, national and international charity agencies and organizations please download and submit the form to your NG Leader.